M-TEK Web Site Hosting Terms and Agreement

1. You have hired M-TEK To host your Internet presence. We are, as any vendor should be, here to provide the best possible hosting service available and the best customer service. We are, and always will be, staffed by people who speak English as a first language. When business demands there will be changes, We are an American Company and promise that we will continue to be, as well as, use American products as they are available. We need to keep Americans working! When America works, we as a nation, are strong. When we buy foreign products we give away our nation!

2. Web hosting contracts will be on a yearly billing cycle and will be billed from 30 to 60 days before service is suspended due to contract expiration. There will be a $50 reconnection charge if your service is terminated. Month to month billing is available, but there will be an added billing charge of $5 monthly to cover billing processing and extra postage. (Also see rule 6)

3. There are no refunds on web hosting or domain name purchases.

4. Your domain name is yours. As long as your M-TEK bill is satisfied you can do with it as you please.

5. No Pornography will be hosted on my servers! Child pornography will not only be locked down, it will be turned into the authorities with all of your contact information. No ifs, ands, or buts!

6. To terminate a hosting account, you must submit in writing 30 days or more in advance a written notice. This allows M-TEK to maintain proper storage space for existing customers. It costs me to have the space, so I have to pass the cost along to my customers. If you don't tell me you are moving, YOU STILL OWE ME!!!! I will not terminate any hosting without a written letter from the client, if you don't tell me, I have no way of knowing and YOU STILL OWE ME!!!

7. There is no guarantee regarding data loss due to hardware failure or intrusion. You need to do your own backups and maintain watch of the information on your site/sites. There are services available for backup from M-TEK. Call us to discuss it.

8. M-TEK has the right to terminate any account for any reason we deem necessary. These judgments are rarely arbitrary, and  will be judged on a case by case basis.

9. M-TEK WILL NOT Sell your information to marketing companies. We believe spam is an annoyance and will not be tolerated! In turn, if we catch you spamming from our hosting your account will be terminated.

These Rules are subject to change. There will be notice sent to customers under contract and each case will be individually assessed, if necessary. It's because I have been dealing with confusion that these terms had to be written. As the need arises, there will be more rules. It's a damn shame, but that's life!

The fine print goes here...
M-TEK Terms and Conditions.  composed 2-8-2010 modified 2-8-2010